由于预计未来几天会有恶劣的天气,所以由救援队负责! Solo and Small Firm Conference scheduled for Sept. 26-27 has been postponed. More information here »


Frequently Asked Questions

Category: Mandatory Continuing Legal Education

  • 所有活跃的,非豁免的成员谁是过渡到法律实践计划的一部分.
  • 12 CLE hours including 1 ethics hour, 1 professionalism hour, 3 trial hours (only required for trial attorneys)
  • 这是一份CLE课程的成绩单,将被发送给所有活跃的人, 非豁免会员于每年1月缴交,显示上一年的所有CLE时数及所欠费用.
  • In January or early February of each year, 前一个日历年的CLE小时年度报告将发送给佐治亚州律师协会的所有活跃成员,除非已经进入豁免. 如果律师已经完成了上一年所有要求的CLE小时数,并且不欠任何课程费用, then the attorney does not need to do anything further. However, 如果律师在前一年需要更多的时间或者欠年度报告上列出的课程费用, 那么他或她必须在3月31日之前补足差额.
  • a. 在整个日历年度内不活跃的会员(按其在会员部的会费状态)
    b. 既不在乔治亚州执业也不代表乔治亚州客户的州外律师
    c. 符合居住州CLE要求的州外会员(此豁免需支付60美元费用).)
    d. Members over age 70
    e. Judges who are prohibited from practicing law
    f. Designated statewide elected officials
    g. 认定特殊情况构成过度困难的律师

  • If an attorney remains in noncompliance, 将通知乔治亚州最高法院,以便其可以发布其认为适当的任何命令,包括暂停从事法律工作,直到, as a minimum, the deficiency is corrected, all penalty fees are paid, and a reinstatement fee is paid.

  • 所有进入我们CLE数据库的课程都收取每小时4美元的律师费. 研讨会的赞助者必须为在格鲁吉亚举办的课程和在线/远程学习课程支付这笔费用. 如果CLE提供者未支付此费用,则律师必须支付此费用. 律师可以在报到出席时向乔治亚州律师协会支付每小时4美元的费用, or can be billed on the CLE transcript. Attorney fees can be paid online throughout the year.

  • You can check your CLE by logging into your account by clicking here.

  • 在12月31日截止日期前完成所有规定的工作时间.

    If your hours are incomplete on December 31, make them up during the grace period, which expires on March 31. This saves the $100 late CLE fee.

    如果你错过了3月31日的截止日期,支付100美元的滞纳金,将截止日期延长到9月30日. 在9月30日之后,由于延迟完成CLE要求,额外的费用为150美元,共计250美元.

    通过点击登录你的账户来监控你在一年内的记录 here. 一些赞助商需要几周的时间来报告你的出席情况, so check back if a seminar is not listed in your record. If it does not appear, contact the CLE department staff at or 404-527-8710.

  • Age 70 exemptions are automatic


    All other exemptions must be taken by the member annually. Exemption forms can be found here.

  • Distance Learning CLE. 除了传统的经批准的法律继续教育活动外,还会有律师团体参加现场和面对面的活动, 远程学习交付形式是可以接受的,只要它们是专门设计为有组织的学习计划,并符合本规则和条例中规定的其他认证标准. Examples of qualifying distance learning formats include: live CLE activities presented via video or audio replays of live CLE activities; computer-based CLE activities, on demand CLE programs, teleconference CLE programs and live CLE webcasts/webinars. 律师可以通过远程学习CLE课程获得全部或部分CLE要求.

  • Yes.

    • 常规的CLE学时- 12小时可以延续到下一年
    • Ethics hours - 2 hours can be carried to the next year
    • 专业小时- 2小时可以延续到下一年
    • Trial hours - 3 hours can be carried to the next year
  • 当你不活动时,你不需要参加CLE课程. 维持您的非活动状态没有其他要求. You may remain inactive for an unlimited amount of time. 当您处于非活动状态时,保持您的地址与酒吧保持更新并支付许可费是非常重要的. You may change your address by clicking here.

  • 您将欠您激活的那一年的CLE,以及您在前几年停用CLE时欠的任何时间. 这些课时需要在次年3月前完成.

    即使你只参加了一天或一周的活动,你也将欠当年的CLE. during the year. 当你在年底激活时,一定要考虑到这一点.

  • 当您重新激活时,最多两年的CLE学时(24学时)可以结转并应用.

  • You are not required to change to inactive status. 为了消除CLE要求,如果你不在乔治亚州执业,住在州外, you may file an out of state exemption. 有关CLE的更多信息,请致电404-527-8710与CLE联系.